Second Opinion About the First Tweet I always have this picture in my mind (hopefully untrue) of the first doctor calling the second doctor and telling him what to say. Or her. Don’t want to be sexist in my calumnies.
Rorschach’s Test Tweet When I first thought of this strip, the line in the first panel was the punchline. Then I came up with the line in the second panel and thought it was better. Same with the third. Finally decided that I would use all three.
Doctor Knows All Tweet I am impressed with how much doctors know. However, some seem to think they know more than they do (a trait common to all of us, I imagine.)
Stroke of Genius Tweet I smell burning toast every time I drive by the bakery. Weird place to be having a stroke, huh?
Selleck or Magnum? Tweet I enjoy the “new” Magnum, but the original is still better. REALLY like “Blue Bloods”.
Albuterol Is All Tweet In case you’re wondering, no, the action is not the joke … not really, anyway.
Expert R Us Tweet I have had more questions about this strip than any other I think I have ever done. My more literal-minded friends and readers just don’t get it … and it apparently can’t be explained.