Why does he need to workout? He’s the postman. They get plenty of exercise just doing their job.
Why does he need to workout? He’s the postman. They get plenty of exercise just doing their job.
I have to give credit to my son, who is taking jiu jitsu lessons, for this idea.
I’ve tried to go back and watch some of the old silent movies. I actually find the title cards a hindrance more than a help.
I was going through some very old notes, trying to come up with a cartoon idea, and found this one sketched in a notebook from my hospice days. (I was a worker, not a patient.)
In case you glanced past the joke, the sloth blinks in the second panel.
The sloth is kind of like Pig-Pen in that he’s great, but there’s only so much you can do with him.
And I say, “Oh, why not?” Shakespeare was the king of making up new words and he’s considered a genisu.
I was thinking of this while hearing a commercial for my bank.
For those who don’t remember … ah, who am I kidding? If you don’t remember the original words. you’re probably not reading this strip anyway.
Courtroom drama looks interesting on TV or in the movies. In person, though?