We have a chiropractor in our mall. I would be curious to know which gets more business: him or the massage people?
We have a chiropractor in our mall. I would be curious to know which gets more business: him or the massage people?
There are phrases we use that would be confusing to the animal world if they used them. Like “son of a —-!”
We do this at our house, adding some milk when you’re down to the bottom of the chocolate syrup bottle, Our younger son has a different opinion as to what constitutes “near the bottom”.
For those of you who don’t remember “Pogo”, you’re really missing out! Fantastically written and drawn strip by the great Walt Kelly.
My brother-in-law, married to my sister, said this one hit a little too close to home.
It’s weird how many people didn’t get this strip. And I was expecting some pushback on the concept of husband-abuse but got none.