There’s a store in the mall that sells these hyper-detailed, miniature football helmets. I want one with a baseball team logo on the side.
Tag: #baseball
Talking Humans
I’m such a big fan of Narnia, that even when I drew this strip, I realized in the last panel I had written “Christmas” even though I was thinking baseball. Programming
Stromboli Lately
Yes, Stromboli sounds more like a basketball player’s name, but what’re you gonna do?
Playing the Big Time
In a weird coincidence, this cartoon appeared in the papers the same week Mister Hodge passed away.
Valentines Day Romance
If you had one of the classy local newspapers that run “Doctor Tuttle”, you would have seen this strip on Valentines Day. Made more sense then.
Baseball Erudition
If any of the references in this strip are not understood, Bing it or Google it or something.