Month: September 2018
Empathetic Empaths
Another Newspaper is Going to Start Running “Tuttle’s”!
More details to come soon, but “Tuttle’s” is about to start running in another newspaper. That makes four newspapers where you can read “Tuttle’s” every week (before the strips are posted on-line even!) and another paper or two that run “Tuttle’s” occasionally!
Or Flop
Infusion, Eh?
Quote worth Quoting
“We all want progress, but if you’re on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.” ~CS Lewis
Where Do the Snails Go?
RBA – Local Deacon Who Can’t Regularly Remember Which Testament Habakkuk is in Can Quote the Entirety of Pink Floyd’s “The Wall”
Artimas Dwight, who is said to be a “deacon in good standing” with the local Harper Street Baptist Church can quote the entirety of Pink Floyd’s “The Wall” from memory. Not only does he know all the lyrics, he can also specify which episodes of “Gunsmoke” and “Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C.” the background sounds come from.
Mister Dwight, however, claims he has never memorized any Scripture beyond Genesis 1:1 because, “My mind just doesn’t work that way.”
RBA = Rejected Babylon Bee Article