The full saying, as my sister taught me, is, of course: Thirty days hath Septober, Octember and No Wonder all eat sandwiches except for Grandma who rides a bicycle with thirty spokes who don’t speak unless spoken to.
I like Trek and Wars both and have little patience for the knuckleheads who say you have to like one or the other. Not like we’re talking Coke vs. Pepsi here, folks!
Yes, you herpetologists, I know this isn’t possible. But then, turtles almost never talk to basset hounds, either, but no one ever complains about that.
When you look at playing a 162 game season, among professional players (really good players), it’s almost surprising to me that we don’t have more ties.
There are people who think this way. Who didn’t realize “The Hobbit” (and LOTR) were loosely based on existing books. But now, I’m surprised they didn’t come out with watered-down, simplified novels for the movies. Publishing thinks less and less of it’s readers and is mandating that authors not use compound sentences, keep the paragraphs short, and write everything at an 8th grade level. Are they correct in thinking so low of their audience, or are they trying to make their readers dim?
I have a coworker who really likes her bamboo pillow. I have not tried one, yet, because the mental picture I have of one does not seem comfortable. I am, therefore, the definition of ignorance on the matter, except in that pandas really do eat bamboo.
Of course, psychiatry and mental therapy and like disciplines are not there to heal, but to bring healing. What’s the difference? One involves success and the other involves pay.