As a kid, I can remember we discussed every aspect of the holiday, from religious to secular. Yes, we talked toys most of all, but we did touch on the other aspects.
As a kid, I can remember we discussed every aspect of the holiday, from religious to secular. Yes, we talked toys most of all, but we did touch on the other aspects.
It’s been a running joke through the years that the bug (he’s in most of the strips, have you noticed?) is a very good gift-giver.
I was relatively happy with the veggies, but try as I might, I could not draw a cornucopia I was satisfied with. BTW, if you had “Doctor Tuttle” in your local newspaper, you would have seen this one last Thursday
The more I read about Augustine’s attacks on Pelagius, the less respect I have for him.
My sons are real big on air fryers. They seem to have taken the place of microwaves and ovens, even for the married.
Thought of this on the way to church one morning. Then, it was real hard to sing “I’ll Fly Away” correctly.
My father was always disgusted with people claiming to ask, “What would Jesus do?” without ever having asked, “What DID Jesus do?”
This cartoon came about because I was reading a writer online who actually claimed this. I don’t remember what he said was actually going on now.
DID David know that one Psalm would be a bigger hit than all the others? Was there one he liked better?
If you had Doctor Tuttle in your local newspaper, you would have seen this strip on Christmas Day! Have your paper contact us today!!