I have several relatives who live in Louisiana. Some are from there. They all think this sounds like a good idea
Tag: #PetePossum
Don’t Know Much About His Story
In our usually easily-offended culture, I was a little surprised this strip drew no response, other than one guy who wrote that he saw the ending coming from the first panel
Wisdom of the Ages
Do kids still shout the original phrase at each other like we used to do? Did it every serve any long-term purpose?
He’s Too Tense!
People who can’t tell jokes, or get them, crack me up. For some reason, though, they don’t appreciate being laughed at.
Texas BBQ in Style!
I have had people contact me and say this sounds good to them. I love BBQ, but not to drink!!
The Argument of the Day
Jim Rockford should have been a superhero, with Angel Martin as his sidekick.
Mass Exodus?
Our world being as stupid as it often is, I’m a little surprised I haven’t gotten some complaints on this one. Pete is the idiot, not the religions mentioned.
Goes Without Saying
Most things that people “always say” are a lot like this. The difference between the two is comical.
The Den Mark of Excellence
For those who don’t know, “Copenhagen” is a brand of tobacco. No, I’ve never understood the attraction of snuff
Swearin’ Off Womyn!
This was me in high school. “I’m done with women!” 5 seconds later, “Unless I can get HER to go out with me!” Spoiler alert: she said no.