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Why didn’t the dude just GIVE the horse a name? It’s the least he could do.
This was drawn in July when it was REALLY hot. It came out in the papers during a weird cool spell.
I like BBQs and grilling, but not enough to pay the price of some of the grills I see in the hardware store. I’m more than happy with our little cheap, charcoal grill.
If you get this cartoon, I’m going to guess you’re from Australia.
Based entirely on actual events. Over and over again.
I have a shirt like Phydeaux’s that actually could be worn inside out, except that the shoulder stripes aren’t on the underside. The other parts are.
I was thinking of foods I liked separately that I didn’t think would go well together. This was one of them.
Based on another close call. I was about to put the drops in when I realized I still had my glasses on. No wonder I could see the dispenser so well!
This is the way I learned it. What about you?
Ah, the old jokes are sometimes the best. And any time you can make a punchline that involves gas, you know you have the junior high vote.