When our cat would eat from his bowl while wearing his e-collar, he looked like a little Pixar lamp. We briefly thought about renaming him.
When our cat would eat from his bowl while wearing his e-collar, he looked like a little Pixar lamp. We briefly thought about renaming him.
As a kid, I can remember we discussed every aspect of the holiday, from religious to secular. Yes, we talked toys most of all, but we did touch on the other aspects.
Seriously, are there people who read the old mysteries these days and wouldn’t know what a letter opener was or what it was for because they’ve never seen a mailed letter?
This is how my mind worked as a child. I was constantly misunderstanding things I thought made perfect (if weird) sense.
The strange thing (to me) is how many people don’t understand the reference.
This is actually what my father said. I think he was an honest man himself, if sometimes cynical. Probably accurate, though.
Anybody else remember this song? Let’s sing it together! “Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts! Mutilated monkey meat … “
Do kids debate the lyrics anymore? I remember sitting around and debating the songs of Styx and REO Speedwagon and David & David and so forth. I look back and rethink those lyrics and can’t imagine how we wrung that much “wisdom” out of them.
You should contact your local paper and get them to run “DoctorTuttle” so that you could see such strips as this before the holiday!
The little bunny’s father is me. I try for wisdom, but I can’t find my glasses