If you read the release you sign for anything, it’ll make you not want to do it. Also, doesn’t the word “extraordinary” seem like it should mean “extra ordinary” as in “more ordinary than previously thought possible”?
Inspired by work, where our boss is known as “the E.D.” When I heard someone complaining about the E.D. one day, I asked if they had tried one of those little blue pills. They didn’t get it.
Both homeopathy and “real” medicine involve a lot of placebo effect. I’m not saying they’re equal, but that often neither will work if the person doesn’t believe they will.
I love watching the trash collectors come along and dump it all in the same truck after the residents of the neighborhood have gone to all the trouble to separate stuff out.
I learned this fact while researching wombats for a book I was writing that everyone who has read loves and still quotes passages back to me but, sadly, you will probably never see.
OK, the joke is good, but looking at the strip now I think maybe I should have left out Penn saying “Um” because the way I drew it too many people think it’s the bear saying it.
I think I thought of this pun as a kid, probably while watching Gunsmoke, but just never thought of how to use it as a cartoon. Aren’t you glad I finally figured it out?!?!