When our cat would eat from his bowl while wearing his e-collar, he looked like a little Pixar lamp. We briefly thought about renaming him.
When our cat would eat from his bowl while wearing his e-collar, he looked like a little Pixar lamp. We briefly thought about renaming him.
As a kid, I can remember we discussed every aspect of the holiday, from religious to secular. Yes, we talked toys most of all, but we did touch on the other aspects.
This was in honor of my mom. She loved making things for Christmas. Sometimes decorations, sometimes gifts, she just loved to create.
I like a strip like this, which has a punchline in almost every panel. My favorite is Pete’s surmise in the second panel.
Seriously, are there people who read the old mysteries these days and wouldn’t know what a letter opener was or what it was for because they’ve never seen a mailed letter?
Inspired by the great Stan Carmen. Wonder where he is now? (in case you’re confused, the name in the last panel is pronounced “nay-whore”)
This is how my mind worked as a child. I was constantly misunderstanding things I thought made perfect (if weird) sense.
I did this cartoon less for political comment and more because I never hear the phrase “renderin’ plant” anymore.
The strange thing (to me) is how many people don’t understand the reference.
Our world being as stupid as it often is, I’m a little surprised I haven’t gotten some complaints on this one. Pete is the idiot, not the religions mentioned.