Inspired by the great Stan Carmen. Wonder where he is now? (in case you’re confused, the name in the last panel is pronounced “nay-whore”)
Category: Tottle
Cleanse the Palate
This is how my mind worked as a child. I was constantly misunderstanding things I thought made perfect (if weird) sense.
How the Sausage is Made
I did this cartoon less for political comment and more because I never hear the phrase “renderin’ plant” anymore.
Say Hello, Harvey
The strange thing (to me) is how many people don’t understand the reference.
Mass Exodus?
Our world being as stupid as it often is, I’m a little surprised I haven’t gotten some complaints on this one. Pete is the idiot, not the religions mentioned.
Making a Dumpster Run
When someone tells me, “I’m gonna make a dumpster run”, a good reply is, “Well, you’re ugly enough.”
Past Tense of Blend
And I say, “Oh, why not?” Shakespeare was the king of making up new words and he’s considered a genisu.
Turning Pro
Why are they called “pro”-nouns? And are there anti-nouns?
The Real American Dream
This is actually what my father said. I think he was an honest man himself, if sometimes cynical. Probably accurate, though.
Debate the Lyrics
Do kids debate the lyrics anymore? I remember sitting around and debating the songs of Styx and REO Speedwagon and David & David and so forth. I look back and rethink those lyrics and can’t imagine how we wrung that much “wisdom” out of them.