I like the food at Braum’s, and I love their ice cream, so this sounds like a good idea to me. Other people, too, if the emails are indicative.
I like the food at Braum’s, and I love their ice cream, so this sounds like a good idea to me. Other people, too, if the emails are indicative.
Personally, I think this sounds like a good idea. But it probably would be a little hard on the teeth.
I was half-surprised that no one wrote in to tell me I had spelt “Peking” (the town) incorrectly. Yay for us!
I guess you could eat oatmeal dry, couldn’t you? Wouldn’t kill you, unless you choked to death.
My grandparents used to put sugar on everything and they lived well into their 90s and weren’t the least bit overweight. Why couldn’t I have inherited that?
Years ago, you heard of no one who was gluten intolerant. Now it’s everywhere. I wonder how we changed (or did we)?
Thankfully, we ate up the turkey pretty quickly this year. And we’re having omelets for Christmas. (No turkey in sight!)
I like whipped (whooped cream) and, yes, I will occasionally have just a mouthful of it by itself. But now a whole plate? No. Um, why not?
We’ve been trying to recreate that gravy since then. I’m afraid it was lightning in a bottle.
We were eating at a favorite restaurant and my wife ordered chicken-fried steak with gravy. The gravy really did taste like a cross between gravy and cake frosting. (Hint: I thought it was GREAT!)