Swelter-In-Place Tweet What did I do during the shelter-in-place nonsense? Personally, I had corona virus.Oh, and I wrote a novel and illustrated another. Very productive time!
Pork Tweet Yes, I admit I thought of this one while sitting in church. And yes, our preacher was preaching an excellent series on Revelation.
Save Face Big Time Tweet I tried to picture what an elephant face mask would look like. Would they have a special sleeve for the trunk>
“Shame”. Maybe he meant shame Tweet I don’t know how many times over the years my wife and I have made this joke or something like it while making the beds. (Yes, we’re really boring.)
Gun and Shield Tweet I like the cartoon in a vacuum, but in the larger sense there’s never been any hint of crime in the Tuttle’s world. We’ll just pretend this never happened, okay? Maybe the patient should have been the little bird, since we don’t know where he works.
Rich Men Get Girls Tweet I know not all women are charmed by money, but look at the ugly, rich men out there with hot young wives and clearly some women are. Yes, there are young men who marry older rich women, but either that’s less common or it just doesn’t show up as often in the news.