Sliding Scale Tweet This is an actual medical term. As it was mentioned one day, this imagery came into my mind.
Whazzat Again? Tweet If you haven’t noticed, I’ve mostly avoided the biggest news of the year in “Tuttle’s”. I just thought everyone else was doing it, so why bother?
Best Book of the Year!! Tweet If you want to read the book they’re talking about (or a sample thereof) just click on The Turtle – a parody and you can even order a copy!
IDT or IDK? Tweet This one went over real well at my office, where we have IDT every week. I don’t know how people who don’t have such a meeting feel, but hopefully the gag is relatable.
Gettin’ Shots Tweet I thought of this one day at work when it seemed like the word “shots” was coming up about three times a minute.
Snowcream Tweet I drew this one right after the freak snow storm we had in March … which now seems so far back as to be in the category of, “Did that really happen or am I just making it up?”
And the Other 60%!?!? Tweet This was a statistic I actually read. No, I don’t know where. I showed my doctor this strip and he thought the number was low, too.