This is me.
Author: samwhi371
Working on the City Streets
Seriously, I think this is how they schedule things around here. However is least convenient for the drivers.
The Somnologist
Google doesn’t agree with my spelling of “somnologist” but I got it straight from the dictionary.
Road Work
For those who don’t know, caliche is a rock-like substance mined in west Texas and then used to cover the unpaved roads. I had an aunt that made more money off caliche than she did off her oil
Just Chuck it All
“Sometimes I wish I would have a really tragic love affair and get so bummed out that I’d quit my job and just go be a bum somewhere because I was thinking of doing that anyway.” –Jack Handey
Heroes of the Bible
Inspired by the great Stan Carmen. Wonder where he is now? (in case you’re confused, the name in the last panel is pronounced “nay-whore”)
Waffling On Humor
How many of you reading this strip realize those two birds are in almost every strip? Honestly, they’re probably in it more often than Tuttle.
Election Smarts
I keep hearing people who are really stressed out about this election. I care about it. I’ll vote. But there are much more important things in life.
Gas Leak Advantage
My car doesn’t leak gas, but my driveway sure has weeds. I wish the rest of my yard grew like the weeds in those cracks!
No Hope for TV
Seriously, the best they can hope to strive for is third best. (Because The Dick Van Dyke Show is clearly the second-best show all-time.)