My car doesn’t leak gas, but my driveway sure has weeds. I wish the rest of my yard grew like the weeds in those cracks!
Author: samwhi371
No Hope for TV
Seriously, the best they can hope to strive for is third best. (Because The Dick Van Dyke Show is clearly the second-best show all-time.)
Cleanse the Palate
This is how my mind worked as a child. I was constantly misunderstanding things I thought made perfect (if weird) sense.
Stromboli Lately
Yes, Stromboli sounds more like a basketball player’s name, but what’re you gonna do?
Stress Test
A friend of mine got her cataracts removed. Surgery went well. She has insurance. Doc billed her insurance almost $40k. That must be common, because they paid it
How the Sausage is Made
I did this cartoon less for political comment and more because I never hear the phrase “renderin’ plant” anymore.
If you don’t get it, don’t worry. Be happy.
Open Faced Closed Mouth
I thought this as a child when someone mentioned an “open-face sandwich”
Louisiana’s For Lunch
I have several relatives who live in Louisiana. Some are from there. They all think this sounds like a good idea
Don’t Know Much About His Story
In our usually easily-offended culture, I was a little surprised this strip drew no response, other than one guy who wrote that he saw the ending coming from the first panel