To the Dogs Tweet I tried to think of a musical instrument that it would be hard to picture a duck playing, so that’s why Flatfoot is holding a harmonica.
What’s Your Question? Tweet This one mainly came about because it had been so long since I did a strip about his radio show. I did this one telling myself I would do more, but I haven’t thought of any.
Wash Them Hands!! Tweet It has been funny to see how this has changed just in the years I’ve been involved in hospice.
Sam’s “5-Star” reviewed book on sale for 99 cents for Kindle!! Tweet A great story of hope in times of extreme tragedy. How one young man leads his community through a great trial. Buy it today for Kindle for 99 cents! Click here!
Swelter-In-Place Tweet What did I do during the shelter-in-place nonsense? Personally, I had corona virus.Oh, and I wrote a novel and illustrated another. Very productive time!