Sports Medicine! Tweet I have a niece who is a doctor of sports medicine … or something like that. I think she really enjoys it.
Admirable Women Tweet OK, the joke is good, but looking at the strip now I think maybe I should have left out Penn saying “Um” because the way I drew it too many people think it’s the bear saying it.
Never Learn Tweet I think my wife came up with this one while we were watching some TV show that used the phrase from the first panel.
Define Toxophilite Tweet I wish I could remember where I ran across the word “toxophilite”. BTW, my computer doesn’t recognize it–which proves that computers are stupid.
Sync Tweet This one was inspired by my work as a hospice chaplain. We were given new tablets last year which require sync’ing several times a day. This strip went over very well at work, even with the bosses.
Collegiate Spirit Tweet I’m all for licensed counselors and “doctored” psychiatrists and psychologists, but I also think we could all do some good with some friend-to-friend conversations that aren’t on-line or via text.
Smokers Tweet As a little kid, this is actually what I pictured when someone mentioned the term “chain smoking”. I wondered how they got them lit
Thanks Giving Tweet This is just the kind of conversation I’m pretty sure actually goes on … somewhere.
A Cute WHAT?!?! Tweet After drawing it, I decided not to submit this one to the newspapers. I think you can see why.
You Are What You Eat Tweet As you probably already knew, flamingos are pink because of all the shrimp they consume. I just wondered what would happen if a flamingo ate lots of guacamole. I’m guessing it would die, but would it turn green first?