It was kind of interesting thirty years ago when the people at DQ would turn your Blizzard upside down before serving it to you. Now, it just strikes me as weird. Like, “Yeah, cool, hand me my ice cream!”
G. K. Chesterton once wrote, “There are two ways of going home and one of them is to never leave.” That may be the safest way of all. Unless you have a ladder.
My son gave me the “Complete Jetsons” on DVD for my birthday last year. Growing up, I loved it and “The Flintstones” but as I grow older I appreciate the Jetsons more.
I was reading about the Whig Party and how they were formed partly from refugees from the Anti-Masonic Party. That seems like an oddly specific party, especially now that I’m so used to political parties being so general they stand for little to nothing.
We haven’t gone quite this far, but my wife and I have both looked for our phones all over the place only to find it in some obvious place. I’m sure we’re the only ones who do that.
Ever dig through your freezer and find something you can’t remember serving? Worse, you forgot to label it and it could be steak, shrimp or pancakes for all you can tell.
This came out of a conversation with a family member about restaurants and how they all have SO MANY menu options now. We were remembering restaurants from long ago that served, basically, one thing. Maybe a variant or two on that thing.