Medicare Regulations Tweet This came about because I’ve been told more than once that I can’t start billing until I’ve “laid eyes” on the PT. (That’s pro talk for “patient”.)
Cougar Pickups Tweet The car probably should be bigger, but I wanted enough of it in the picture to make it clear that it really is a Mercury Cougar.
Alphabet Soup Tweet Inspired by the office where I work, where nurses and the doctor talk in letters rather than full words.
Last Laugh Tweet I have some friends with seven kids. I don’t know if they ever go to the doctor all at once, but if they do, I hope they get a discount.
Warning!!! Tweet I have long wondered about this. On the day I drew this, it was a Friday and I had been sitting at a light when the tornado sirens went off. No one seemed to think anything about it. If it had been a real emergency, I don’t know how long it would have taken us to realize that.
That’s Remolting! Tweet I know I have found snake skins that looked usable to me, but maybe they need to be prepared differently if they’re to be used in this way.
B-25 (sort of) Tweet I saw an advertisement for a chance to ride in a restored B-25 and I admit that sounded like fun. The only thing was, it was only about a week after a vintage aircraft at an airshow had gone down for no known reason.
What About What? Tweet Merry Christmas everybody!!“Tuttle’s” ‘toons appear on-line one week after appearing in the newspapers. Want to see them sooner? Contact your local paper and ask them to start running “Tuttle’s”.
Drawing for Gifts Tweet Anyone out there know the significance of that child’s name?“Tuttle’s” ‘toons appear on-line one week after appearing in the newspapers. Want to see them sooner? Contact your local paper and ask them to start running “Tuttle’s”.