I have been trying to cut down on my snacking, One of the theories is that you eat “nutritionally dense” snacks and then you won’t want more. Doesn’t work.
I have often wondered how the two products had the same name without one suing the other for copyright infringement. Maybe it happened long ago and they settled somehow.
I started drawing Beaver with his tail up just to indicate that he is a beaver. But then, I realized real beavers didn’t do that. Mostly I don’t care (because they don’t wear caps, operate restaurants or get in fist-fights with possums, either) but then I started wondering WHY would this particular beaver carry his up like that? Now you know.
Someone’s going to write in now and tell me that, “No, penguins have beaks, not bills” completely oblivious of the intended joke and (probably) incapable of getting it.