I love this old song, but why did she “whamma-lamma-bamma-lamma”? I was never clear on that. Speach impediment?
Tag: #comic
Off the Bone Plate?
Some restaurant we were eating at offered “fall off the bone ribs” and I just naturally had this idea.
Survival Skills
I’m disgusted with what all I find in my keyboard. But does that stop me from eating there? (No)
Spinning Fidgets
I think it’s funny how short the attention people had for fidget spinners was. Wasn’t that the problem to start with?
Fishing Whole
It is kind of a gross thought, huh? Surely Leonard is lying and is using something else for bait.
Tuba City
One of those jokes that came up around the house a lot before I got around to drawing it. Why would he think a drink is an acceptable substitute?
Cat Life
We spend way too much time asking the cat, “Do you want in or not?”
I was trying to do what Phydeaux is doing in the second panel when I had the idea for the third panel. (I couldn’t get the second panel’s result.)
My Baby Takes the What?
This one came to me one morning while I was taking my pill. Now it happens every morning. I’m kind of tired of it.
Smell is in the Nose of the Besmelder
I remember when my sons were in junior high and they had a friend who apparently thought Axe would mask anything. It didn’t.