Last Laugh Tweet I have some friends with seven kids. I don’t know if they ever go to the doctor all at once, but if they do, I hope they get a discount.
Warning!!! Tweet I have long wondered about this. On the day I drew this, it was a Friday and I had been sitting at a light when the tornado sirens went off. No one seemed to think anything about it. If it had been a real emergency, I don’t know how long it would have taken us to realize that.
That’s Remolting! Tweet I know I have found snake skins that looked usable to me, but maybe they need to be prepared differently if they’re to be used in this way.
Ink Blotz Tweet This seemed appropriate for the times as the “impeachment proceedings” appear to me to just be a Rorshach test for the voting public (with no right answer).
F.M.L.A. is NOT a Los Angeles Radio Station Tweet I know people who take their sick leave for ridiculous reasons (to me). We only have one PTO “bank” so take it off for whatever reason you want.
Doctor Appreciation Week Tweet I don’t give my doctor anything for appreciation week because I’m already giving him several hundred dollars for each 15 minute visit. That seems like enough.
Bananaesque Tweet Based on an actual bag of “banana chips” purchased at a local health food store. I ate them because, well, I’m a snacker, but they had almost no flavor and weren’t exactly crunchy.
Sports Medicine! Tweet I have a niece who is a doctor of sports medicine … or something like that. I think she really enjoys it.