After or Before Service? Tweet This was inspired by our church having a chili luncheon one day after service recently. I was really glad it was AFTER!
First Words Tweet My wife almost cried when our oldest son’s first “word” was “dada”. I tried to convince her it wasn’t actually a word, but I think she thought I was being disingenuous. I was.
Masked Tweet I saw a lady recently come out of the grocery store bare-faced then get in her car, put on a mask, and drive away alone. Would love to know what that was all about.
Lookalikes Tweet There are animals that, even after someone tells me, I can’t tell how to tell the males from the females. I’m assuming they can, otherwise there wouldn’t be more of them.
A Civic Responsibility Tweet This cartoon appeared in December in the papers, so yes, the elections were “last month”. Secondly, I think it’s obvious that it doesn’t really matter who we elect. They’re all disasters.
24/7? Seriously? Tweet My doctor friends didn’t find this one funny. And they texted me from their weekend homes in the mountains to let me know their disapproval.
What Bears Eat Tweet I was watching some bears on TV eating termites like they were a great delicacy. Seemed like a cartoon idea to me!
Huh? What? Tweet Quiche Lorraine explains the joke in the third panel and some people still don’t get it.
Betrayal!! Tweet Why are they so selfish about the hedge? And honestly, other than a few hedgetoads, who want it anyway?