I have known people like this. I used to be like this when it came to DP, but all of a sudden, it seemed like caffeine started effecting me. I miss it. Sob and sigh.
Category: Doctoring
The Owl at Midnight
No, there is no meta-message to this cartoon. Just an owl and a turtle and a million dollars.
Hot Chick
It’s an old joke, but a good one. I’ve used it around my house and I’m still married to the same wonderful woman!
Sympathy Isn’t What It Used to Be
I was afraid this might offend some people, but it went over best with the people with daughters. I guess people have a sense of humor after all.
Evening News is Olds
I know so many people who are perpetually upset because they keep their TV and computer on the news all day. If you want to see them really upset, tell them to turn off the news!
Very Punny, Mister!
I’m pretty sure there are forms of humor that are lower than puns. And most above and below aren’t as funny. So why do we groan at puns?
Sleep Like the Star
Many dogs have back problems as they get older. Maybe this is why Snoopy never had such issues.
Pink Because of Shrimp
The information in the first panel is correct. Don’t know if panel three is possible.
I’ve had MRIs to find out why I was having headaches. I can tell you why I had a headache on the day of MRI.