Worth Fighting For Tweet Whenever I see actual people fighting, it’s almost impossible to tell what they’re fighting about. I just assume, then, that’s it’s something stupid like this.
Best Book of the Year!! Tweet If you want to read the book they’re talking about (or a sample thereof) just click on The Turtle – a parody and you can even order a copy!
Gettin’ Shots Tweet I thought of this one day at work when it seemed like the word “shots” was coming up about three times a minute.
Pollster Tweet This one probably should have been done during the heat of an election. But then, when are we NOT in the heat of an election anymore?
Afternoon DEE-Light! Tweet You may be wondering why I didn’t choose a more ubiquitous restaurant chain. I’m pretty sure I had just been to DQ, might have even still had an icre cream cone in my hand, when I drew this.
Yodeling for Yokels Tweet The joke in the first panel was popular when I was a kid. I wonder if enough kids know what yodeling is these days for it to still work.
Trading Cards Tweet I can still remember opening a pack once and the gum fell out. When it hit the sidewalk it shattered like a piece of glass.
There is no Vaccine Tweet I’ve been trying to foster a pundemic ever since getting over the virus. I’ve also donated a lotta plasma.