American Food Tweet I want an enchilada pizza. Not sure what that would mean, though. Seen lots of taco pizzas, though.
Poppin’ Good Time Tweet Remember when every mall had a place that sold Carmel Corn? What happened to those places? Did they go the way of the bookstore?
Picante! Tweet It was shortly after doing this cartoon that I actually made French toast with jalapeno cheese bread. It was pretty good, but not good enough to repeat.
Unpopular Truths Tweet Based on actual events. Really. But, who hasn’t experienced this? Why do we always figure we know better than others how much should be said?
Flies and Skeeters Tweet The emails about this one generally ran along the lines of “I don’t get, oh wait. Never mind. That’s funny!”
Mythological Creatures Tweet Just another of nature’s screetures, as the great Walt Kelly would have said.
Controversy!! Tweet I thought about wording it in such a way as to come up with “sects”, but it just didn’t flow.
Horse with What Name? Tweet Why didn’t the dude just GIVE the horse a name? It’s the least he could do.
Winter Dreamin’ Tweet This was drawn in July when it was REALLY hot. It came out in the papers during a weird cool spell.