Kale Sera Sera Tweet We had some kale chips recently that were actually pretty good. My wife tried to make some at home and, while tasty, just couldn’t get them as crisp as the store-bought ones.
Meet Taco Meat Tweet Inspired by my brother, who ordered a taco at a local fastfood place only to be told they were out of taco meat. He asked them if they couldn’t just crumble up one of their hamburger patties and put it in a taco shell. They declined.
Investment Advice Tweet I know someone whose money really is in oil. Only person I know who frets when gas prices go low.
Turkey in the Wild Tweet My sons were surprised I knew what Wild Turkey is since I don’t drink alcohol.
TB Testing 1-2-3 Tweet My family has long referred to this restaurant by its initials, which has led to some fun misunderstandings when inviting other people to join us.
Never Learn Tweet I think my wife came up with this one while we were watching some TV show that used the phrase from the first panel.
Counterfeit Worries Tweet We have a color copier at work that does incredible work … sometimes. As a counterfeiting tool it would be extremely unreliable. I think I thought of this strip one day while swearing at it for crumpling another important document.