Give of Yourself Tweet This one has gone over very well. I was a little worried that some might take offense, but if they did, it wasn’t enough to make them write in.
The Nekkid and the Knewed Tweet I debated with myself if, in the third panel, it should be spelled “nude”. Still not satisfied, but don’t think I would have been either way.
Skull and Grog Tweet I love how “dark” this strip starts out. (Full disclosure: I do have mugs shaped like Snoopy’s head.)
Merry Christmas (still)! Tweet Strips appear on-line one week after they appear in the papers. If you would like to see them sooner, have your local newspaper contact me! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of me at “Tuttle’s”!
Crossword Puzzles Tweet I love words, but I have always been terrible at crossword puzzles. I have two sisters who are really good at them.
Radio Show Blues Tweet I read these stories about how radio is thriving, but I wonder if they’re written by radio show people,