Christmas List Redux Tweet Strips appear on-line one week after they appear in the papers. If you would like to see them sooner, have your local newspaper contact me!
Christmas Prayer Tweet Strips appear on-line one week after they appear in the papers. If you would like to see them sooner, have your local newspaper contact me!
Crossword Puzzles Tweet I love words, but I have always been terrible at crossword puzzles. I have two sisters who are really good at them.
Radio Horrors Tweet I like the radio shows that will really delve into a subject but it’s a risk: what they want to talk about at length may not be what I want to listen to at length.
Wakefulness Tweet I thought about a follow-up cartoon about a snake having to wear compression socks but couldn’t think of where to go with it.
Diabetic Doctor Tweet I remember when my father was told to get some diabetic socks and I wondered how socks could have diabetes.
Radio Show Blues Tweet I read these stories about how radio is thriving, but I wonder if they’re written by radio show people,