Doctors Know Nuttin’! Tweet I thought about titling this “Doctors Who Don’t Listen”. I have noticed that some doctors don’t listen, but neither do some patients.
Mustard Returns Tweet Years ago, I did several strips about Phydeaux being afraid of the mustard identifier. Seemed like time to bring that phobia back as I see so many people afraid of so many silly things.
Playing God Tweet This has been one of the most popular strips I’ve done. Even doctors like it–though they all see someone else as having the problem.
The Joy of Freedom Tweet I almost didn’t do this one just because I wondering about any parents having to explain it to children. After all, they don’t want their children in a food fight, do they?
Fresh Air Again!! Tweet I have only visited people in jail. I haven’t served any time. Still, there’s a wonderful feeling of freedom when you leave.
Tell-A-Doc(tor) Tweet I was once walked through putting my son’s elbow back in joint over the phone, years before phone docs became a “thing”.
Give of Yourself Tweet If you had one of the super-classy newspapers in your town, you would have seen this strip on the Monday before Christmas!
String Trio Tweet Inspired by some friends of mine–she a violinist, he a cellist–who put on a nice concert at a friend’s house recently.
Doctor Knows All Tweet I am impressed with how much doctors know. However, some seem to think they know more than they do (a trait common to all of us, I imagine.)