I’ve tried other western authors but have never liked any of them as much as I like Louis L’Amour. And yes, that probably includes my own westerns (which are being released soon!)
Tag: #DoctorTuttle
How Do Birds Pick Their Noses?
It’s funny because normally the bird just says nonsense.
Why not? Why nut?
I was pouring some peanuts into a bowl to make some trail mix and had this idea. No, I didn’t try it. It sounds disgusting.
Know What It Means
I am thankful for proctologists. I cannot imagine going into that field but am thankful for people who do.
We Gotcha Covered!
I have never figured out if the sign is a marquee or if someone repaints it all the time. Enquiring minds want to know.
A New TV Show from the Mouse
I think this one would be pretty good. Too bad Don Meredith isn’t around to play the lead.
Pitching Washers
My family did a lot of pitchin’ washers for many, many years. Don’t know if my siblings still have their sets, but mine eventually fell apart. Might have to build another set one day.
Hummus Up a Song!
My wife really likes hummus. I’ve found a couple flavors I like, but on the whole I am not a fan.
Take a Stand! Take Two!
I’ve felt left out on the last few boycotts because they were of companies I didn’t patronize anyway.
Speaking Wisdom
I owe Phydeaux’s great pronouncement there to my father-in-law, may he rest in peace. Always loved that line.