Name of a Woman Tweet The punchline was almost that her name was “Eastern Star” but then I thought this was funnier.
Spelling as a Way of Life Tweet I think this came about as my wife was telling me about a spelling bee at her school. I also thought about doing it as a riff on Aunt Bee.
Builders’ Blues Tweet The first two were easy, but it took me a while to come up with a third tool (and its problem). It just didn’t seem complete with only two tools.
What’s in a Restaurant Name? Tweet This cartoon has been received quite well. Everyone seems to think they should go with the “Duck, Sucka!” name, though.
Buffalo to Rome Tweet Yes, the first few words were inspired by Walt Kelly. After that, it’s all mine.
Antarctic Cuisine Tweet Now I want to try this. Make the cone out of Fritos, and a layer of cheese over the top. Yummm!
American Food Tweet I want an enchilada pizza. Not sure what that would mean, though. Seen lots of taco pizzas, though.
Blood Worker Tweet I don’t want to read this book. Probably printed with green ink that would get all over your hands.