My wife used to make a dish called “Noel Chicken”. It was fantastic. I think she stopped because she got tired of it. (I didn’t.)
Tag: #comic
Eating Healthy(er)
Who all caught the reference to the world’s greatest TV show? Let me know if you did.
One for the House
The first two panels are a true story. The third is not. Who buys a round for the people at Wendy’s?!?!
There Are Healers, and then there are Healers
Yes, I know they are both spelled the same way, but everyone around here pronounces the dog as if it didn’t have an “R” at the end. Of course we’re right.
Beholderin’ Eyes
Possums do a great service for us all. Really. They eat their weight in ticks. It’s not their fault they are ugly and smell bad.
May 23 Is World Turtle Day
It really is World Turtle Day. If you have the right newspapers, the above picture appeared in honor of World Turtle Day. Celebrate!
Heart Cockles Be Warmed
I did not make up the information in the second panel. I wonder if it’s true, though. Surely there’s a more pedantic explanation.
Teaching Maths
Why do the Brits say “maths”? They probably wonder why we don’t.
Check Your Type
I have known people like this. I used to be like this when it came to DP, but all of a sudden, it seemed like caffeine started effecting me. I miss it. Sob and sigh.
The Owl at Midnight
No, there is no meta-message to this cartoon. Just an owl and a turtle and a million dollars.