I like a strip like this, which has a punchline in almost every panel. My favorite is Pete’s surmise in the second panel.
Tag: #Tottle
Split, the Difference
My English teacher wife really enjoyed this one. Honestly, it makes sense, doesn’t it?
A Letter Opener
Seriously, are there people who read the old mysteries these days and wouldn’t know what a letter opener was or what it was for because they’ve never seen a mailed letter?
Heroes of the Bible
Inspired by the great Stan Carmen. Wonder where he is now? (in case you’re confused, the name in the last panel is pronounced “nay-whore”)
Cleanse the Palate
This is how my mind worked as a child. I was constantly misunderstanding things I thought made perfect (if weird) sense.
How the Sausage is Made
I did this cartoon less for political comment and more because I never hear the phrase “renderin’ plant” anymore.
Say Hello, Harvey
The strange thing (to me) is how many people don’t understand the reference.
Making a Dumpster Run
When someone tells me, “I’m gonna make a dumpster run”, a good reply is, “Well, you’re ugly enough.”
Past Tense of Blend
And I say, “Oh, why not?” Shakespeare was the king of making up new words and he’s considered a genisu.
Turning Pro
Why are they called “pro”-nouns? And are there anti-nouns?