A Buffett of Literature Tweet After having heard of “Last of the Mohicans” all my life I finally read it recently. Buy, that was a long slog! Glad I did, but doubt I’ll do it again.
Look Alikes Tweet Having seen armadillos, I’m not sure how to tell the males from the females. I’m assuming they can.
Marriage and Friends Tweet I think all of the major characters are married now except Pete. And Flatfoot, though he is dating.
That Time of Year Tweet If you had “Tuttle’s” in your local paper, you would have seen this one before the holiday! Call your paper today and tell them you want “Tuttle’s”!
Gamble On It! Tweet This was just a commentary on all the addictions we all have, which aren’t as big a deal as those of other people. Just kidding. It’s just a cartoon.
Beautiful In Word Form Tweet You probably don’t recognize the game Tuttle and Masonic are playing. That’s because only two copies were ever made. Excellent table-top baseball game.
What’s In a Child’s Name Tweet I don’t know anyone other than me who actually named their children in a theme–other than families where the kids all have Biblical names. Nothing against that, but I’m always running across good themes no one is using.