I thought it was a funny joke, but I’m already tired of trying to explain it.
Tag: #comic
Some People Never Learn
I think of this every time we sing this song in church.
Them Collies Is Smart!
This one may have been stretching the joke one cartoon too far.
Yes, I looked it up and it is actually spelled correctly in the first frame. When I have heard it pronounced, people say it as if that G is a C. They’re wrong.
The Real American Dream
This is actually what my father said. I think he was an honest man himself, if sometimes cynical. Probably accurate, though.
This IS a Pickle, George!
We have a chiropractor in our mall. I would be curious to know which gets more business: him or the massage people?
The Kids Are (mostly) Alright
Anybody else remember this song? Let’s sing it together! “Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts! Mutilated monkey meat … “
Take Your Thyme
I can’t remember what kind of a bird that’s supposed to be. I looked it up at the time and studied the pics.
What Would WHO Do?
My father was always disgusted with people claiming to ask, “What would Jesus do?” without ever having asked, “What DID Jesus do?”
Employee Booster
Inspired by my son’s time of working at the post office.