Holistic Medicine Defined Tweet For them as don’t know … in the final panel, Doctor Tuttle (the turtle) is talking to Dr. Penn Gwynn (a psychiatrist) and Dr. T.B. Ward (a bear who specializes is respiratory diseases).
Christmas Dreams Tweet There are certain Bible stories we never have the kids act out but, admit it: the little boys would probably enjoy playing out the more gruesome stories.
What Do I Have of REAL Value? Tweet This is the first mention in the strip that Pete has a lot of money. Now, I’m wondering if it’s true and he just works as a fry cook for something to do, or does he think what he has makes him wealthy? Which would kind of make him more sane than we’ve previously thought.
Fun With Catheters Tweet When sitting in interdisciplinary team meetings, I’m the one cringing when the talk turns to catheters, as it often does.
Are We healed, Yet Tweet Of course, psychiatry and mental therapy and like disciplines are not there to heal, but to bring healing. What’s the difference? One involves success and the other involves pay.
Winners and Loeser and Tie-ers Tweet I am impressed by all the stats that sports mark these days, but kind of feel sorry for the guys who have to notice them. “Another slider. And another slider.” “No, that was a curve!” “Wait, what did he throw while we were arguing about the slider?” “Maybe a fastball?”