What About Gelatinous Shots? Tweet My Catholic friends liked this one. Haven’t heard from my Jell-O friends.
Accepted Payment Tweet Have you seen the price of ammo lately? It would be effective currency in many situations.
Real Calvin vs. Arminius Stuff Tweet When I first thought of this joke I didn’t draw it because I figured it would be too hard to explain. Then, a couple days later, I thought, “So what?” With every joke, there’s a chance someone won’t get it. Sometimes, the funniest ones (of other people’s work) are those that are fairly obscure. So here ya go!
Holy Pals! Tweet If anyone has been paying attention over the years, Pete is the only character whose denomination we actually know.
Hot Dog! Tweet The funny thing was, I drew this cartoon then, a few days later, my wife and I were eating at a place and I realized it WAS easier to eat my baked potato like a hot dog.