I have thought this for years when seeing those signs. Not sure why it took me this long to turn it into a cartoon.
Category: Doctoring
Puff of Air
I know the stated reasons for both actions. But I’m not convinced.
Realistic Realism
Inspired by a bird who appeared to go out of his way to find our windshield one Sunday on the way home from church.
Survival Skills
I’m disgusted with what all I find in my keyboard. But does that stop me from eating there? (No)
Spinning Fidgets
I think it’s funny how short the attention people had for fidget spinners was. Wasn’t that the problem to start with?
Tuba City
One of those jokes that came up around the house a lot before I got around to drawing it. Why would he think a drink is an acceptable substitute?
Cat Life
We spend way too much time asking the cat, “Do you want in or not?”
My Baby Takes the What?
This one came to me one morning while I was taking my pill. Now it happens every morning. I’m kind of tired of it.
Fastest Relief
Inspired by real life events. A burp mends all! I was feeling poorly up until that moment, then one good burp and all is well.
How Do Birds Pick Their Noses?
It’s funny because normally the bird just says nonsense.