What About Glenn Frey?!?! Tweet My only problem with this cartoon is that two weeks ago Pete didn’t know who The Eagles were. The thing is, I rearrange the orders of cartoons from the order in which they were drawn and sometimes I’ll end up with two strips near each other that should have been separated by a greater amount of time. Or, I’ll accidentally separate strips that should have been together. You aren’t really interested, are you?
Homemade! Tweet “Braum’s” has an excellent “Black Forest Ice Cream”. “Subway” makes a good “Black Forest Ham” sandwich. That’s where this strip came from.
Listenin’ to the Eagles Tweet I still think The Eagles should have been asked to do the final song for The Hobbit movies. If you have to ask why, you weren’t paying attention to the book or the movie.
Red Skins Tweet I’m surprised the SJWs haven’t gotten the potato people to change this name. You know, the kind of numbskulls who think the word “niggardly” is racist.
What-Minded? Tweet I think Pete’s showing remarkable powers of association to get that definition from the word.
A Cute WHAT?!?! Tweet After drawing it, I decided not to submit this one to the newspapers. I think you can see why.
Sexism!! Tweet The statistics given in the first two panels are accurate. If “Gunsmoke” were remade today, someone would make sure that Matt killed an equal number of men and women.
Venous, pronounced “Venus” Tweet My original idea for Pete’s misunderstanding may have been funnier, but I was afraid it would hurt someone’s feelings. (I don’t mind causing offense, but this was just making fun of someone’s name and that seemed needlessly hurtful. It’s a blurry line.)
Waffle Additives Tweet Waffles with chocolate chips are my favorite. I tried adding M&Ms, but I think it would have worked better with the minis. I used to put pecans or walnuts in my waffle mix, but decided they maintain more of their crunch (and just as much of their flavor) if sprinkled atop after baking. You don’t really care, do you?