Lookalikes Tweet There are animals that, even after someone tells me, I can’t tell how to tell the males from the females. I’m assuming they can, otherwise there wouldn’t be more of them.
Look Alikes Tweet Having seen armadillos, I’m not sure how to tell the males from the females. I’m assuming they can.
Marriage and Friends Tweet I think all of the major characters are married now except Pete. And Flatfoot, though he is dating.
Wisdom from Tolkien Tweet I have been waiting to use this, but no one ever asks me what I did with my day.
Thanksgiving Tweet If you would like to see these cartoons before they appear online, contact your local newspaper and tell them to get “Doctor Tuttle”! Then you would have seen this strip on or before Thanksgiving instead of a week later.
Spelling as a Way of Life Tweet I think this came about as my wife was telling me about a spelling bee at her school. I also thought about doing it as a riff on Aunt Bee.
Blood Worker Tweet I don’t want to read this book. Probably printed with green ink that would get all over your hands.
Classic Sci Fi Tweet I recently saw “Wrath of Kahn” in the theater. I think it still holds up very well.
Is Not Would Not Could Not Tweet The usual way of saying the third panel where I could from would be “ain’t it, tho?”
Send Me to Washington, or Else! Tweet This has always been one of my motivations for voting. The problem is, the damage they do is felt so much worse here than there.