I can’t remember what kind of a bird that’s supposed to be. I looked it up at the time and studied the pics.
Category: Tuttle
What Would WHO Do?
My father was always disgusted with people claiming to ask, “What would Jesus do?” without ever having asked, “What DID Jesus do?”
Employee Booster
Inspired by my son’s time of working at the post office.
Songs for the Heart
It’s sad how many people didn’t know the song Phydeaux mentions. Sadder how many didn’t know how to look it up!
Debate the Lyrics
Do kids debate the lyrics anymore? I remember sitting around and debating the songs of Styx and REO Speedwagon and David & David and so forth. I look back and rethink those lyrics and can’t imagine how we wrung that much “wisdom” out of them.
Oh, Bummer Care
The best part about my insurance is that I’ve never used it.
Too Good to be True
The funny thing is, Penn has a long history of listening to bad ideas. Why should this surprise Tuttle so?
THAT’s Your Takeaway?!?!
My daughter-in-law, who works at the mental hospital, thought this was hilarious.
Petty Cash Storage
At least now we know that Pete Possum is honest. But will he accept money from Tuttle, thinking it has been stored in Tuttle’s drawers?
2012 (+12)
This cartoon came about because I was reading a writer online who actually claimed this. I don’t remember what he said was actually going on now.