Bringing Up Religion Tweet I was a little concerned (hopeful) someone would object to this one, but no one did.
What About What? Tweet Merry Christmas everybody!!“Tuttle’s” ‘toons appear on-line one week after appearing in the newspapers. Want to see them sooner? Contact your local paper and ask them to start running “Tuttle’s”.
Famous Days of Yore Tweet Those are the names of the Apollo astronauts who were orbiting the moon on December 25, 1968.
Wouldn’t Dat Be Gwand? Tweet Sometimes on Sunday mornings, I sing the hymns in Elmer’s voice in my head.
Another Time to Worry Tweet I am a hospice chaplain and I am not afraid of death, but I met one who was. Not sure how he did the job.
Peas, Peas, Perfect Peas Tweet I had a real problem as a child understanding the difference between “peas” and “peace”. Looking back, I’m surprised how long it took me to grasp the concept of context.
Spies of the Holy Lands Tweet I’ve been reading through the Bible lately and I’m up to Numbers. This just popped into my head.
Comforting the Living Tweet Yes, I realize we don’t know everything, but I hate doing a funeral for someone for whom there is no reason to think they have gone on to something better–and many indicators that they definitely haven’t. On a side note, wouldn’t “We put the FUN in FUNeral” be a great slogan for a mortuary?
Perfection Tweet I like corn dogs, but we don’t buy them very often because I would probably eat them more than would be healthy … like Phydeaux.