We have a chiropractor in our mall. I would be curious to know which gets more business: him or the massage people?
Category: Sports
What Would WHO Do?
My father was always disgusted with people claiming to ask, “What would Jesus do?” without ever having asked, “What DID Jesus do?”
Valentines Day Romance
If you had one of the classy local newspapers that run “Doctor Tuttle”, you would have seen this strip on Valentines Day. Made more sense then.
Take a Gamble
I have only ever skied on rentals, because I don’t get to go that often. I know people that swear by the skis they own and would view rentals as an unnecessary risk.
Who Says It’s Fake?!?!
The articles every Monday about the bad reffing in pro football crack me up. It’s like there are people who actually believe in the game! And some of them are even betting on the outcomes!!
Pool Party!
Why would a flamingo NOT want to go to a pool party? Don’t ask me.
The Art of Listening
We have a city park that stocks a LOT of fish periodically. You can tell which days because you drive by and the banks are wall to wall with people enjoying “the serenity of fishing”
Scritch Scratch Golfer
I am not a golfer, but I am allergic to poison oak. My wife can pick it and have no problem, I just have to get near it and I’m miserable.
Fishing Whole
It is kind of a gross thought, huh? Surely Leonard is lying and is using something else for bait.
Baseball Erudition
If any of the references in this strip are not understood, Bing it or Google it or something.