What’s In a Child’s Name Tweet I don’t know anyone other than me who actually named their children in a theme–other than families where the kids all have Biblical names. Nothing against that, but I’m always running across good themes no one is using.
Name of a Woman Tweet The punchline was almost that her name was “Eastern Star” but then I thought this was funnier.
Spelling as a Way of Life Tweet I think this came about as my wife was telling me about a spelling bee at her school. I also thought about doing it as a riff on Aunt Bee.
Buffalo to Rome Tweet Yes, the first few words were inspired by Walt Kelly. After that, it’s all mine.
Blood Worker Tweet I don’t want to read this book. Probably printed with green ink that would get all over your hands.
Joke II Tweet Poultry in motion. Yes, it’s a lot like the previous Friday’s ‘toon. I actually drew them both on the same day. Couldn’t decide which I liked better, so I ran them both.
Marsh Mellow Cook-Off Tweet This cartoon got more notes of agreement than anything I’ve done in a long time. I think even the retired are worried about being replaced by automatons. How many of you caught the Star Trek reference in this strip?
Poppin’ Good Time Tweet Remember when every mall had a place that sold Carmel Corn? What happened to those places? Did they go the way of the bookstore?
Classic Sci Fi Tweet I recently saw “Wrath of Kahn” in the theater. I think it still holds up very well.