I still think The Eagles should have been asked to do the final song for The Hobbit movies. If you have to ask why, you weren’t paying attention to the book or the movie.
There’s a joke in here but maybe I’m the only person who cared about it: Tuttle is always writing these novels and screenplays with punnish, derivative titles that–as far as we know–fail like all of my novels. Phydeaux’s stupid scatological game caught on, though.
I remembered this strip and it’s hard for me to believe that’s it’s already been 4 years since I did it. Seems like it was just months ago. But then, I also remember that I was so struck by that quote that I used it in my novel Ashes to Ashes (see it at http://garisonfitch.com/book/ashes-to-ashes-the-last-valley-book-1)
I’m all for licensed counselors and “doctored” psychiatrists and psychologists, but I also think we could all do some good with some friend-to-friend conversations that aren’t on-line or via text.
I really thought about getting a bigger TV at Christmas, when they were ostensibly “on sale”, but then it occurred to me that the big, flat screen TV I have works just fine. Maybe next year.
I remember taking piano lessons and one of the many problems with my playing was that metronomes had absolutely no affect on my ability to pick a rhythm and stay on it.