Marsh Mellow Cook-Off Tweet This cartoon got more notes of agreement than anything I’ve done in a long time. I think even the retired are worried about being replaced by automatons. How many of you caught the Star Trek reference in this strip?
Picante! Tweet It was shortly after doing this cartoon that I actually made French toast with jalapeno cheese bread. It was pretty good, but not good enough to repeat.
Unpopular Truths Tweet Based on actual events. Really. But, who hasn’t experienced this? Why do we always figure we know better than others how much should be said?
Big Fat Snails Tweet Have you seen those giant snails on the news? Some kind of invasive species (of course).
Low Talker Tweet Bonus points (non-redeemable) if you can tell what Tottle is saying and where it comes from.
Aussie Talk, 101 Tweet I love the character of K.B. because I think koalas are so cute. Love the idea of one that’s a smoking, drinking, caricature of an Aussie.
Bueno, Dude! Tweet The more I think about it, the more I wonder if this could actually be a good thing. I’m pretty sure the answer is no, but I keep thinking.
Knot What I Meant Tweet This was actually inspired by “The Lord of the Rings”. Can you identify which scene? (Book or movie or radio drama.)