Thought of this on the way to church one morning. Then, it was real hard to sing “I’ll Fly Away” correctly.
Tag: #comic
Anatomy 102
This cartoon caused even more confusion than the last one. Why?
Anatomy 101
I thought it was a funny joke, but I’m already tired of trying to explain it.
Some People Never Learn
I think of this every time we sing this song in church.
Them Collies Is Smart!
This one may have been stretching the joke one cartoon too far.
Yes, I looked it up and it is actually spelled correctly in the first frame. When I have heard it pronounced, people say it as if that G is a C. They’re wrong.
The Real American Dream
This is actually what my father said. I think he was an honest man himself, if sometimes cynical. Probably accurate, though.
This IS a Pickle, George!
We have a chiropractor in our mall. I would be curious to know which gets more business: him or the massage people?
The Kids Are (mostly) Alright
Anybody else remember this song? Let’s sing it together! “Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts! Mutilated monkey meat … “
Take Your Thyme
I can’t remember what kind of a bird that’s supposed to be. I looked it up at the time and studied the pics.